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Balai Budidaya Air Payau Ujung Batee


Story the Stand of Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center
Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is one of the technical unit organizer ( UPT) in marine and fisheries department.
Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center stands up based on Letter Decision Minister of Agriculture Number 264/ KPTS/ OT. 210/ 1994 date 1994, April 18. At that time, Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center is giving a duty to application the technic aquaculture of brackish water and to conservation fish and environment resources in west zone of Indonesia especially Sumatera island. At the 1999, October 13 Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center got a duty based on Letter Decision Minister of Agriculture Number 1040.1/ Kpts/ IK.450/ 1o/ 1999 and Letter Decision Minister of exploration Marine and Fisheries Number 65 Year 2000. Next at 2002, November 18 Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center got a job as a technical unit organizer for cultivation and hatcheries brackish water fish and also to conservation brood stock/ seed fish and environment based on Letter Decision Marine and Fisheries Number : KEP. 49/ MEN/ 2002.
Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center as a center of incubator business very having an interesting in development of brackish water with exact at the point and appropriate with the program.
The function and Duty of Loka BAP
Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center having a principal duty :
Application the technic of hatchery and brackish water fish, also to conservation fish brood stock/ seed resources and environment which have a district working including all Sumatera.
In implement his main duty, Loka Budidaya Air Payau Ujung Bateee take care of the function :
a. Research, testing and standar aplication guidance hatchery and brackish water aquculture.
b. Standard research and to make certification of quality system and certification for the hatchery staff and also cultivation of brackish water fish.
c. Research system and production organizer and pengelolaan induk penjenis and base backish water brood stock.
d. An implementation testing of hatchery technic and for cultivation of brackish water fish.
e. Standard research for seed supervisor, cultivation also pest and desease control in fish of brackish water.
f. Standard research for environment controling and borood stock/ seed resources of brackish water.
g. Implementation the network system for testing laboratory and culture of brackish water fish.
h. Management and information service and hatchery publication and cultivation brackis water fish.
i. Implementation division of administration.
Perspective of Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center is
â As a central developing and information for assistance brackish water technology to support the development of fishery aquaculture which is friendly environment, competitive, and Suistainableâ
To reach that perspective, the mission Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center :
a. Research and aplication the technology of brackis water with simple, efficient, esefull and succeed.
b. Improvement the part of Regional Brackish Water Aquaculture Development Center as the assistance technology to changer technology in society.
c. Improvement the quality and capability of human resources in Loka BAP Ujung Batee.
d. Developing of the species comodity in location.
e. Create the central developing of bank superior tiger shrimp brood stock.
f. To push developing of fishery trade of brackish water which is suistainable and environtment friendly.

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