Benefits of Magnesium ( Kieserite) on plants and soil, among others: 1 Stimulate plant root and leaf chlorophyll perfectly increase. 2 Improving the quality and quantity of production. 3....
Creating / Producing Fertilizer Magnesium / Kieserite, phosphate fertilizer ( COMPANY PROFILE) CV.Raja Primary ( CV.RP) was established on 10th July 2010, was originally intended in order to....
I engaged in any part of the services that you need in my area of goods, land, agriculture, palm oil, mining, oceans, objects kuno.sampai the goods berkhodam
Coffee Indonesia When we come across persistent myths that are common among consumers, we must realize that the reason for this persistence is a torrent of easily accessible but contradictory....
Atjeh Lush is a company that sells all products herbs or spices are produced directly from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, so as to produce a high berkualaitas due to soil fertility and geographic location....
We also sell scales the size of 5 to 20 kg goat madein china cap.
kami mengadakan peralatan pertanian. SEPERTI GUNTING PANGKAS DAHAN, CANGKUL, TIMBA, GERGAJI TUNAS. DLL termasuk alat tes kadar air untuk biji-bijian seperti kopi, kakao, jagung, tepung.